Patio Plant Containers Is Grubex (imidacloprid) OK To Use In Patio Containers?

Is Grubex (imidacloprid) OK to use in patio containers? - patio plant containers

Hello! I have a problem of white fly in a few of my plants in pots outside. I've heard that imidacloprid (Grubex, etc.) good for getting rid of worms, whiteflies on the lawn. Is it okay to use in containers? If not, you can suggest a different approach? I tried the Neem oil (Rose Defense), but the problem continues.




Lar said...

is not a systemic chemical in some food .. do not know how quickly and efficiently in higher plants, the grass, compared to a fluid system can be better on the white fly, to their situation. If you already mixed grubex a cup of grain in a gallon container and provided with water, then the liquid into a spray for the treatment plant.

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