Can Herpes Go Away How Long Does It Take For Feline Herpes Symptons To Go Away?

How long does it take for Feline Herpes Symptons to go away? - can herpes go away

My poor little cat at the age of 6 months 'Tangerine' has feline herpes. I've thought about lysine twice a day orally once a day and Zithromax, and terramycin orally twice a day through their eyes. I told them about 5 to 6 days and now I do not see much improvement. What is the average duration of the symptoms disappear?

His symptoms at the moment:
Nasal discharge
Publication Date
Pain in the eyes closed
Sneezing a lot
Low Energy

All answers are welcome and appreciated.

Thank you!


JJ said...

My cat had it. Be patient, it will be better. I think my cat had at least 2 weeks to get over it. Much depends on how he emphasized that the cat has an outbreak or worsen your symptoms, because they became fools. Try to remain silent and relaxed atmosphere. Do not miss treated. Make sure it is no secret, spitting pills. Is not it better if you need short of drugs, in order to weigh drugs, but your vet will know what to do. Good luck to you and tangerine.

Feline Female said...

Do not tell me how much lysine gives him - you should get 250 mg per day. Unless it is have a great 6 months and was 500 mg
I have a bit of wet food in lysine powder presented works best. I have two cats that received a maintenance dose every day.
Very often, the eye ointment / drops can worsen the situation because it hurts and irritates.

She did not say if the discharge is clear or colored. If the color, which is now an infection and should perhaps be treated with clavulox (antibiotics) or vibravet (antibiotic).

If the nose is congested, a little put Vicks under his chin, this will help with breathing.

If you have an oil burner, put a little oil of eucalyptus oil or tea tree in it. Or if you spray - same thing.

Able for echinacea, sneezing, as well as some of your food. You've just pure Echinacea without further additions.

As another, trying to keep, in a quiet place, away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

gigi said...

Take him to the vet ... Just to be on the safe side. Good luck, I hope your kitten is okay.

Mariah said...

Not sure what time .. but I found this website on feline herpes (and every state of health for dogs and cats, almost). Can they be useful. ...

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